Thursday, January 7, 2010

Let's Make Life Positive!

Hey people! I am here again with another post after a very loooong time! I was busy with my school, exams and my official blog Manav and the World! But anyways I am here with this post on how to make your life.

I am writing this post because in my school we have a teacher who teaches us Hindi, and he has a very strong negative outlook towards life, government, fellow teachers and also towards the students to who he teaches. This was urging me to write this post but because of all the things I listed earlier I didn't get time. So now when I have time let's talk a bit about it.

Not an Optimistic Outlook towards Life
As I said about my teacher, there are many people similar to him (and you may be too!). They say the life's not the way they want it and a number of other things like: Why I get diseases? or Why is not talking to me? or Why are all the people (or parents, friends etc) are against me? These are the things they ask themselves. But the thing is the answers also lie within them. They have so much of negative thoughts in their heads going on that they're unable to get the answers!

The thing is it all started with one and only one negative thought that came to the person's mind and it developed so much that it ended up changing the character of the person itself. This is the power of thoughts that you have in your mind. This is the Law of Attraction at work.

So how to change it? The very simple but enormously powerful thing is to have completely positive thoughts. This is the most easiest way to change your outlook towards life.

The other thing you can do is to have positive affirmations. Like:
  1. I am so happy and peaceful!
  2. I am so cool and positive!
  3. I like my life and wanna make it king size!
Say these or others that you may think of many times a day, and feel that happy feeling!

Thanx for reading!


1 comment:

  1. Wow, I totally agree!
    This thing you wrote, I think many, MANY, people can learn a lot from it.
